A Stevie Bergman



I am head of Applied Systems at the US AI Safety Insitute and a visiting assistant professor at the Center for Technological Responsibility, Reimagination, and Redesign within the Data Science Institute at Brown University. The mission of the Applied Systems team is to leverage multidisciplinary methodologies to analyze AI systems in application. Previously, I was a senior research scientist on Google DeepMind's Ethics Research Team and Facebook's Responsible AI team.

I consider myself a public interest scientist and technologist, with something of a global, human rights and applied ethics focus. I investigate questions at the interface of technology and society, and look for opportunities to make an impact. From my past work I have expertise in human rights, AI governance, algorithmic fairness, participatory AI design, misinformation/disinformation, multilingual AI, recommender systems, trust and safety classifiers, and social media, science & research practices.

I have over a decade of experience in science & technology communication and teaching. More information on my past experience below, or see my CV.

Current Roles

Head of AI Safety for Applied Systems
United States AI Safety Intitute
11/2024 - Present

Visiting Assistant Professor
Brown University
10/2024 - Present

Professional experience

Senior Research Scientist, Ethics Research Team
Google DeepMind
4/2022 - 10/2024

Research Scientist, Responsible AI
1/2020 - 4/2022

Lecturer, Ethics of AI Graduate Seminar
Princeton University
Spring & Fall 2021

Fulbright Fellow, Indonesia
Institut Teknologi Bandung
10/2013 – 7/2014

US Peace Corps, Science Education Volunteer
2/2011 – 4/2013
Mathematics, physics, and computer teacher at Lacor Secondary School and Warr Girls. Creator & Co-director of GirlTech Uganda and Secondary Education PCV trainer.

Vaccine Litigation Paralegal
US Department of Justice
8/2009 – 12/2010

Other projects include: creator and co-host of the These Vibes Are Too Cosmic radio show on WPRB Princeton 103.3 FM; creator and producer of a podcast miniseries on AI & Human Rights; tutor at Garden State Prison in New Jersey; volunteer with the Flatbush Mutual Aid in 2020.


PhD in experimental physics, Princeton University (2019)
BA in physics, Smith College (2009)

My thesis work included measuring the statistical polarization in the cosmic microwave background radiation from the early Universe among instrumental, environmental, and astrophysical noise, via constructing the most sensitive radio telescopes ever built (the SPIDER instrument) and flying it on a balloon above Antarctica.

Financial Disclosure

My spouse and I fully divested from all single-company stocks - including Meta and Google - when I resigned from DeepMind in October 2024. Our investments now entirely consist of ETFs and mutual funds, some of which have some information technology companies in their composition (e.g., VGT).

Papers in Tech & Society

Full list of journal articles available on Google Scholar, including publications in physics.


STAR: SocioTechnical Approach to Red Teaming Language Models
Laura Weidinger, John Mellor, Bernat Guillén Pegueroles, Nahema Marchal, Ravin Kumar, Kristian Lum, Canfer Akbulut, Mark Diaz, Stevie Bergman, Mikel Rodriguez, Verena Rieser, William Isaac

STELA: A Community Centred Approach to Norm Elicitation for Agent Alignment
Stevie Bergman, Nahema Marchal, John Mellor, Shakir Mohamed, Iason Gabriel, William Isaac
Published in Nature Scientific Reports 2024

The Ethics of Advanced AI Assistants: Access and Opportunity (Chapter 15)
A. Stevie Bergman, Renee Shelby, Iason Gabriel (Blog post)

The Illusion of Artificial Inclusion
William Agnew, A. Stevie Bergman, Jennifer Chien, Mark Diaz, Seliem El-Sayed, Jaylen Pittman, Shakir Mohamed, Kevin R. McKee
Pulbished in CHI 2024


Sociotechnical Safety Evaluation of Generative AI Systems
Laura Weidinger, Maribeth Rauh, Nahema Marchal, Arianna Manzini, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Juan Mateos-Garcia, Stevie Bergman, Jackie Kay, Conor Griffin, Ben Bariach, Iason Gabriel, Verena Rieser and William Isaac

Representation in AI Evaluation
A. Stevie Bergman, Lisa Anne Hendricks, Maribeth Rauh, Boxi Wu, William Agnew, Markus Kunesch, Isabella Duan, Iason Gabriel, William Isaac
Published in FAccT 2023


Towards Responsible Natural Language Annotation
for the Varieties of Arabic

A. Stevie Bergman and Mona Diab
Published in ACL Findings 2022

Adaptive Sampling Strategies to Construct Equitable Training Datasets
William Cai, Ro Encarnacion, Bobbie Chern, Sam Corbett-Davies, Miranda Bogen, Stevie Bergman, Sharad Goel
Published in ACM FAccT 2022

Guiding the Release of Safer E2E Conversational AI through Value Sensitive Design
A. Stevie Bergman, Gavin Abercrombie, Shannon Spruit, Dirk Hovy,
Emily Dinan, Y-Lan Boureau, Verena Rieser

SafetyKit: First Aid for Measuring Safety in Open-domain Conversational Systems
Emily Dinan, Gavin Abercrombie, A. Stevie Bergman, Shannon Spruit,
Dirk Hovy, Y-Lan Boureau, Verena Rieser
Published in ACL 2022

Fairness On The Ground: Applying Algorithmic Fairness Approaches to Production Systems
Chloe Bakalar, Renata Barreto, Stevie Bergman, Miranda Bogen, Bobbie Chern, Sam Corbett-Davies, Melissa Hall, Isabel Kloumann, Michelle Lam, Joaquin Quinonero Candela, Manish Raghavan, Joshua Simons, Jonathan Tannen, Edmund Tong, Kate Vredenburgh, Jiejing Zhao

TVR2C Radio

the first photo of the earth, from the moon.

I created and was co-host (with Frances Kraus) of These Vibes Are Too Cosmic from 2015-2019. Also known as TVR2C, shows aired weekly on WPRB Princeton 103.3 FM, and featured expert interviews from across science and tech. All full streams of past shows are available in the backcatalogue.

Sampling of some favorites:

Ruha Benjamin on Power and Manipulation at the Interface of Tech and Society

Edward Felten on Policy and Tech and Electronic Voting

Annette Zimmerman on Algorithmic Injustice

Bendert Zevenbergen on the Power Dynamics and Ethical Frameworks in AI and the Internet

Joseph Amon on Health and Human Rights

Sam Wang on Gerrymandering and Stats (Show 1 and Show 2)

Alexander Ploss on Research in Infectious Diseases and It's Global Importance

Sébastien Phillipe on Nuclear Arms Verification and Disarmament


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Stevie on a panel on disinformation at Cambridge University.

I regularly speak at events on the various topics under my expertise. My teaching experience is discussed in my bio and CV, not to mention radio and podcasting. See below for a sampling of recent speaking engagements, and fill the contact form if you would like to discuss an engagement opportunity.


Keynote speaker, LREC-COLING 2024 Conference Third Workshop on Safety for E2E Conversational AI
Safety for Whom?

Invited speaker, Center for Democracy and Technology
AI Governance, Evaluations, and Representation


Fireside chat, NIST/CASMI workshop
Risk Management (or Measurement), for whom, why and how?

Panel speaker, Cambridge University Disinformation Summit
Potential Benefits and Risks of Generative AI
Full recording on YouTube

Speaker, ACM FAccT Conference
Representation in AI Evaluations

Workshop presenter, Cambridge Many Worlds of AI
Envisioning equitable representation in AI


Panel Speaker, Building the NIST AI Risk Management Framework (Workshop #3)
Recording can be found here.



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Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6


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i = 0;

while (!deck.isInOrder()) {
    print 'Iteration ' + i;

print 'It took ' + i + ' iterations to sort the deck.';



  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  • Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  • Sagittis adipiscing.
  • Felis enim feugiat.


  1. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  2. Etiam vel felis viverra.
  3. Felis enim feugiat.
  4. Dolor pulvinar etiam.
  5. Etiam vel felis lorem.
  6. Felis enim et feugiat.





Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


Name Description Price
Item One Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99
Item Two Vis ac commodo adipiscing arcu aliquet. 19.99
Item Three Morbi faucibus arcu accumsan lorem. 29.99
Item Four Vitae integer tempus condimentum. 19.99
Item Five Ante turpis integer aliquet porttitor. 29.99


  • Disabled
  • Disabled
